The Galixsys Communicator platform is an encrypted peer-to-peer messaging system that does not store any messages on any centralized server. The platform consists of two separate applications: A standard messaging app (Galixsys Communicator) and a router app (Galixsys Hub). Each instance of Galixsys Hub is run on the specific hardware that the administrator (or “World” owner) chooses. While messages may be cached when recipients are off-line, messages are not permanently stored on Galixsys Hub. This reduces significantly the opportunity for any third-party to mine or otherwise have access to what should be private communications. Galixsys Communicator is the main application and interface that members use to communicate. Galixsys Communicator is used like most other messaging apps. The difference is how the app sends and receives messages. Messages are not stored on a central server for retrieval by the recipient(s); instead messages are routed to the recipient(s) through each “World” (an instance of Galixsys Hub) that has been setup by the World owner on their own physical device.In order to use Galixsys Communicator to message, someone would need to setup an instance of Galixsys Hub to form a “world” or community. Each instance of Galixsys Hub is its own world, and a user of Galixsys Communicator can join multiple worlds. Setup of a world via Galixsys Hub is intended to be accessible to anyone with a basic understand of network operations. A user who has hosted an on-line game on their computer should have the expertise to setup their own World.Before installing Galixsys Communicator, PLEASE make sure there is an instance of Galixsys Hub that has been setup to join. Without a known instance of Galixsys Hub to join, there is no value in installing Galixsys Communicator.Note: This release is an ALPHA version. Galixsys Communicator is still in development and there will be bugs, crashes and unusually behavior. As improvements are made and features are added, updates will be provided.Further note that no refunds will be given. If you do not want to pay a yearly license fee for alpha-quality code, please do NOT install much less accept the subscription agreement for Galixsys Communicator at this time.